Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just Do Your Best

Just Do Your Best

As my boys bring another soccer season to a close and soon summer days will end and school days will be here again; I hear them lament over the “goals” they did not achieve.

That’s right this soccer season neither one of them ever scored a goal.

This provided a wonderful opportunity for me to reflect with them on the importance of team work and team effort.

Our youngest also hoped he would have mastered riding a bicycle without training wheels by now, unfortunately he has not. When I spoke with him about what he did and what he could have done differently, we realized he really did not practice as much as he could have.

This of course got me thinking about how God loves us. You see, I would have really enjoyed witnessing my boys score a goal for their team, or master riding a bicycle, however, what I have really enjoyed this summer was watching them play soccer, they went on that field and they played with their heart, for the good of their team.

While our younger son did not master riding a bicycle, he did manage to learn how to push himself on the swing without my help. A few short weeks ago, he needed a boost from me all the time. Now he is swinging pretty high without me. In time I know he’ll be committed to practicing more on his bike, and he’ll achieve that goal as well.

God knows we won’t always achieve our goals; He knows we will fail, stumble and falter on our way to achieving holiness. He wants our very best, effort. He wants us to live each day, like my boys play – with our whole heart.

So that is my new motto: I’ll give God my very best, I’ll give him my whole heart.