Monday, May 3, 2010

We're on God's Time

Recently we experienced a death in the family. It’s interesting how God uses times like these to remind us that we are on His time and not ours.

You see we received a phone call early one Saturday morning that our family member was in the hospital and not doing so well. Being a Saturday, we had so many errands to run, the thought crossed our mind that we should forego the regular busy Saturday morning routine and rush to be there for our family, yet somehow we paid more attention to the idea that there would be time to run the errands and then be there for our family.

So we attempted to do just that. Assuming that the day would unfold as we had planned, with the time we believed we had.

It is only by the grace of God that we fit in a prayer for our dying loved one and the family in the midst of our errands. The Lord knew those prayers were very much-needed because we were on His time and not ours.

That still small voice that nudged us to drop everything to be there physically, the one we so easily ignored, was the one we first recalled when events unfolded more quickly than we’d anticipated.

Why are we surprised when days don’t unfold the way we had planned? Why do we hang on to this notion that we have some control over how much time we have to get things done?

Isn’t that exactly what the devil needs from us? That we’d live our lives believing we have plenty of time…

Thank you Lord, for reminding me and my family that we are on your time! Help us to be more attentive to your still, small voice. Help us to live a life that is well-balanced between the sense of urgency required to respond effectively to your call and the sense of peace that comes with knowing that you are in control.