Thursday, February 25, 2010

Discussion with Daniel Blodgett

We are on-line.

We were given an awesome opportunity to chat with Daniel Blodgett of Christus Veritas regarding our work in FAMILIA and it is now available on-line.

To listen, click here.

Thank you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Love Christ more than sugar...

I love Christ more than sugar...

Sound funny or familiar?

That’s the phrase I tell myself every Lent when I give up “sweets” which includes chocolate, and sugar in my coffee or tea.

We started our countdown of 40 days to Easter and I had a realization the other day, as to how timely Lent really is.

It comes to us a few months after we’ve probably made a new year’s resolution, and by this time many of us may be feeling dejected as we have not lived up to our initial promise.

I have been attempting to impart to my children that Lent is not just a time to give up something for Lent, that we can complain about for 40 days and then look forward to being reunited with whatever it is we’ve given up for Lent; instead we should also see this as a time to be rid of a bad habit and start a new habit that will help us grow in our relationship with Christ.

In that spirit, my Lenten resolution is not just giving up “sweets” - one of the many ways I intend to journey with Christ this Lent is to attend a conference being organized by a friend and sister in Christ, Dorothy Pilarski.

I am so looking forward to this conference for “Dynamic Women of Faith”
Dorothy’s work for Christ is in line with the work we do in Familia, in fact she has been a guest speaker at a women’s event sponsored by Familia in December 2008.

Learn about the conference here:

Listen to her radio interview, which includes 8 minutes of the 1st episode of Mothering, Full of Grace at:

Have a holy and reflective Lenten journey to Easter!

Image: Desserts are Laid on the Table by Tino Soriano

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday's Small Successes


This week:
1. Vacuumed and dusted main floor.
2. Attended my son's school liturgy - surprised him, made him smile!
3. Planned family outing with hubby for FAMILY day weekend.

What are your small successes this week? I know you have at least 3....think about it. It's important to run through the good you have done or accomplished. Often times we get so caught up with what we didn't do, that we should've done. This is a good reminder to look on the bright side.