Help for Haiti
It’s been disturbing to me, the comments I have heard about the appeals made to all of us, to help and pray for the victims and survivors of the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti.
Most of the resistance I have heard is in the appeal to raise funds to aid the organizations that are organizing relief efforts and sending medical supplies, food, etc.,
The resistance I have witnessed has come from 3 separate angles, which I will address here.
1. “Will my little donation make a difference? Other people are being generous, I don’t have to be.” As we read in Luke 1: 1-4 even though it seems others have taken on a task that is so important, that it seems in the grand scheme of things our contribution will be minimal and insignificant. This sort of thinking did not stop Luke from writing his account of the life of Jesus, the account that would become one of the 4 Gospels, passed on for generations, so that thousands of years later you and I could read it! Well, sure if he hadn’t written it down, we’d still have 3 other Gospels, but Luke is the only one who includes the Visitation and Mother Mary’s song the Magnificat! You see it is clear that no matter how small our contribution may seem, only the Lord knows how He will use it. Remember the poor widow who only gave a penny, Christ said she gave more than all the others in Mark 12: 41-43
2. “Why did the government wait until such a tragedy to organize help? Haiti has always been in need of help?” While there may be some truth to this, my question is, “why would we use this to justify our own neglect of our personal aid to the present victims of the earthquake. We cannot control how others respond, or when, we can control our own responses, and we trust that God knows everyone heart. Unfortunately, for some it takes catastrophes like this for them to realize their compassion, their words, must be turned into action. As St. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:26 the Church is to be united as one body, if one part of the body suffers, we all suffer. In our suffering we remain united, in prayer and almsgiving.
3. “How do I know my donation is actually going to reach the people who need it?” I tremble at the thought, if we all refused to donate because of this way of thinking there would be no aid for anyone in need. It is so difficult for us to trust, especially in today’s world where dishonourable deeds, and misuses and abuses are quickly publicized. Discerning fact from fiction has become a daunting task for some. If I donate $10 and only $5 reaches the people in need, it was $5 more they have. “What happened to the other $5? If it was misused, that is on the conscience of those who misused. We give out of love of neighbour, out of understanding that we are all called to care for each other.
I don’t mean to say it is wrong for us to exercise prudence, and discernment in giving to a reputable, accountable organization, all I mean to say is that we shouldn’t allow these to become obstacles or excuses as to why we refuse to help our brothers and sisters in need. After all, tomorrow it could be you or I who are in need!
Read what our Holy Father has to say: BENEDICT XVI TO HAITI
God Bless!
I like your article, and I agree with you. Thaks for share all this with us. Its helpfull and to meditate